a celebration of success
Even among consultancies—in all their different varieties—Freeman+Leonard Consulting Solutions is different. Our focus—first and foremost—is on helping C-suite executives create upside in the form of sustainable growth.
We pursue that objective with energy and imagination. We pursue it with the smarts and savvy of seasoned marketing practitioners—not juniors a couple years out of school. We pursue it by executing our solutions as meticulously as we design them. We also pursue it in two distinct ways—either as individual Game Changers, or, as multi-disciplined practice teams.
Each Game Changers consultant brings specific skills and category success to a given initiative. A client typically chooses this option to replicate that success in the same category or a similar one.
Some projects are so complex and challenging they require multiple skill sets and perspectives. Enter practice teams, our Growth Strategies and Brand Strategies teams not only combine multiple disciplines but often cross-pollinate for out-of-the-box strategy and execution. Each team is built around the specific requirements of the client.
In either case, Freeman+Leonard Consultants share traits of intelligence, curiosity, and, at the risk of bragging, a certain genius for upside. Each consultant has 20+ years of experience as a marketing executive, delivering top-line revenue for growth, optimizing marketing spends and, occasionally, transforming entire categories.
So you might say we have some very sharp knives in the drawer. And with Freeman+Leonard Consulting Solutions, they are entirely at your disposal.
These are extraordinary thinkers. With results to match.