Need for Speed: Assessing and Building Your Brand’s Digital Agility
Need for Speed: Assessing and Building Your Brand’s Digital Agility

Thinking to Create Certainty in Uncertain Times
Thinking to Create Certainty in Uncertain Times

We would like to share with you a webinar Freeman+Leonard hosted. We will keep you updated on future webinars that we host and hope you find this event informative. You can view the final presentation here: Acts Not Ads.
Don’t Go Dark! Social Media Strategies During COVID-19
Don’t Go Dark! Social Media Strategies During COVID-19

We would like to share with you a webinar Freeman+Leonard hosted. We will keep you updated on future webinars that we host and hope you find this event informative.
Megan will discuss relevant social media strategies and how brands can communicate effectively during these unusual times and emerge from this crisis stronger than ever.
Megan Van Groll is an award-winning digital strategist that has led social media strategy for several national and global brands in both corporate and agency roles, including digital crisis communications for The Salvation Army during her time at The Richards Group. Other notable clients include AAA, Reunion Tower, Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Parkland Hospital, Uptown Dallas, Inc., Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, Reily Foods, Discount Tire, Sabre Corporation, Subzero/Wolf, and Mr. Cooper Home Loans.
Career Advice: Land a job by mind mapping your network
Career Advice: Land a job by mind mapping your network

Have you ever heard of mind mapping? We know you are familiar with career networking but if you have never used a mind map for career networking then now is the time! A mind map is an easy way to brainstorm thoughts organically without worrying about order. The idea allows you to visually structure your ideas to help with recall. With so many people currently out of work and looking for a job, we wanted to share this simple (and free) career networking exercise that can easily be done at home while you are social distancing.
Most people start their job search by aimlessly applying to positions online and scrolling through job boards. Our advice would be to start with your network first. Networking is such a valuable way to land a job. It’s how I landed my job here at Freeman+Leonard thanks to a friend that knew I was looking for a new opportunity. Experts say that the average person knows 150-300 people. That’s a lot of people! So why not leverage those relationships.
How to create a Mind Map for Career Networking:
Step 1: Write your target job in the middle circle and start branching out in several different directions. Each direction should include one of the following groups of people from your life. Anyone you know probably falls into one of these groups. When we think of career networking, we usually only focus on people in our industry. But the list below should help you brainstorm all the major areas of your life where you know people and have connections.
- Family Members
- Friends (current friends, former college classmates and social club connections)
- Former Employers/Colleagues/Mentors
- Recruiters & Staffing Agencies
- Customers/Vendors/Suppliers
- Professional & Alumni Associations
- Former Professors & College Classmates
- LinkedIn & Facebook Contacts/Groups
- Religious Organizations (your church)
Step 2: Start filling in names of all the people you know in each category.
Step 3: Reach out to all your contacts and write a professional note to each one. (Don’t forget to spell check and proof before hitting send.)
We would love to hear from you as well so feel free to send us a note and your updated resume so our team can keep you top of mind during your job search.
An Insider's Guide
An Insider's Guide
Welcome to DFW
Here at Freeman+Leonard, we are always working with talent, companies, and agencies across the country to offer the best solutions. As a Dallas-based agency, we place quite a bit of talent here in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area. So, our staff collected a few of our favorite shops, restaurants, activities, and much more to introduce you to the place we call home. Whether you’re a local, or just relocated, you’re sure to discover a new part of DFW. Below you will find a link to our downloadable PDF file Welcome to DFW: An Insider’s Guide for you to print, share, and explore.
We hope you enjoy! And, please, let us know if you love it or find anything we just have to add: [email protected]
PDF Download: FreemanLeonard Welcome Brochure Digital